Mrs. Story in elementary school , one class with Children

Mrs. Story in elementary school , one class with Children

Five Mother Child Education Provisions That Feeling That He Can Not Comparable With his old age was 30 years . He Also Felt Ashamed To the Son , Each time Asked Doing Homework Help .

Dream - It's never too late to get an education . It felt it was very fitting to describe the spirit of Aziza Mohammad Al Hanouma . In fact , he's willing the class with the child .

Mother of five children was felt for the education that he could not have been comparable to the age of 30 years . He was also embarrassed to the child , whenever asked to help with homework , Aziza had absolutely no knowledge .

Aware of the manfaat kolang kaling shortcomings , Aziza determined to go back to school . For the sake of smooth out his intention , he decided to enroll in primary school Sam bin Noah . Schools located in Sana'a province is also home to the child's education .

After completing the study , Aziza plan to continue their education to a higher level to the university level . The school principal Sam Bin Noah who has worked for the past 23 years , claimed to have never met a student from one class among mothers with children .

The daily Al- Thawra , Aziza is not shy to share this story to a wider community . He hoped the story and spirit of learning to inspire women living in Yemen conservative society .

Women there often ruled out marriage for the sake of education at an early age . A recent survey indicated that about 60 percent of women especially in the rural areas are still in a state of illiteracy in recent years .